Data sources
The Data Source section allows administrators to define where they would like to pull information from to use throughout the LocalMaps admin. Data sources can be used to configure various components such as reports, searches and feature queries. Once these are created, they can then be added to a specific map, allowing end users to have a tailored experienced with each viewer.
Data Sources can be layers from your ArcGIS Online Organization or ArcGIS Enterprise. Alternatively, LocalMaps data-level integration allows administrators to read non spatial information directly from SQL Server, MySQL, PostGres and Oracle Databases.
As shown in the image below, your LocalMaps installation will come preconfigured with a default data source server set up. Click on the default server to set up data sources. Please note the ability to add multiple data source servers is not currently supported.
ArcGIS Online or Enterprise Data Sources
Click data sources tab in the Admin panel
Click on the existing data source server
Under Data Provider click Add New Data Provider
- Provider Type: This is the type of data source being uses. Select ArcGIS.
- Name: A name for the data provider.
- Portal/Online URL: Enter the URL along with administration Username and Password. You can then test if the Service is valid by hitting the Test button. If the service is valid, a green tick will appear. If invalid, a red cross will appear and prevent the administrator from saving the service until corrected.
Click Save
Database Data Sources
Data sources can be set up to read information directly from SQL Server, MySQL, PostGres or Oracle databases. By leveraging LocalMaps Data level integration, you can consume and display related information directly within a layer’s popup, removing the need to write complex views or overnight processes.
To add a new database, go to the database tab and click “New Data Provider.”
Select your database from the provider type dropdown.
- Name: A name for the menu
- Server: Database server name (or if needed, you could use the IP address)
- Port: Port that the database server is running off (enter only if applicable)
- Enable SSL: This presented for PostGres or MySQL databases. If your database has been set up with SSL Support, please tick the “Enable SSL” checkbox.
- Database: Name of your Database
- User Name: User to connect to database
- Password: Password to connect to database
You can then test if the database is valid by hitting the “Test” button. If the service is valid, a green tick will appear. If invalid, a red cross will appear and prevent the administrator from saving the database data source until corrected.
Click Save.
Adding a Data Source
Ensure you have followed the steps to add a Data Provider before adding a data source. Click New Data Source to get started.
From ArcGIS
Give the data source a name.
Select your ArcGIS online/portal from the dropdown menu.
The type will be set by default once the Data Provider is selected.
Input your layer URL.
The URL will automatically update to reflect the changes.
From a Database
Give the data source a name.
Select your database from the Data Provider dropdown.
The type will be set by default once the data provider is selected.
Input the name of the table you wish to access.
The URL will automatically update to reflect the changes.
Using Data Sources
Once data sources are set up, they will be available to select from in the searches, feature query and reports set up menu. They can be found under the Layer Picker dropdown.